Course Outcome

Creating a Django-based course attainment calculator for efficient and precise evaluation of academic performance, streamlining assessment processes to enhance academic efficiency and accuracy.

Recommendation System

Creating a recommendation system employing collaborative filtering and content-based algorithms to suggest personalized movies, songs, and books based on user preferences and behavior. Enhancing user engagement through tailored content recommendations for an enriched entertainment experience.

Blogging Site

Developed and implemented a blog platform with a user-friendly interface, customizable themes, and robust content management system using JavaScript. Ensuring seamless content creation and personalization for an enhanced user experience.

To-do List

Developed a to-do list application with interactive features for seamless task management and user engagement. Integrating intuitive functionalities to streamline daily tasks and enhance overall productivity.

Instagram Clone

Created a visually stunning and feature-rich Instagram clone with image sharing, user profiles, and social interactions, delivering an immersive and familiar user experience. Implemented additional functionalities for enhanced user engagement and platform versatility.


Developing a classic Tic Tac Toe game with a clean and intuitive user interface, allowing players to enjoy a simple yet engaging gaming experience. Incorporating strategic AI gameplay to provide a challenging and dynamic dimension to the user interaction.

Yash Khalkar


Check it out here

Project Details

Course Attainment
Recommendation System
Blogging Site
To-do List
Instagram Clone
Tic Tac Toe